1 TW Fusion Energy Driver

Novel Pulsed Power Technology

Fuse has demonstrated the ability to control module triggering and control pulse shaping, with experimental results correlating with simulated results with over 99% accuracy. That the team went from initial design to physical testing with these results in less than 18-months is impressive.
Dr. Rick Spielman
Former Chief Scientist of the Z machine​
Experimental results of a 330 GW impedance-matched Marx generator

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-67774-4

July 23 2024
why TITAN matters
Pulse-sharpening Water Switches
Water Insulated Transmission Line
Gas Switches
Water Insulated Capacitors
Marx Generators

Traditional Marx Generators

Z Machine

Z-Machine from Sandia National Labs

Driver technology refurbished and in use since 2007. Traditional Marx Generators have 6 separate steps for energy delivery. It’s inefficient, non-repetitive, and expensive.

Viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.

Impedance Matched Marx Generators

Fuse's TITAN technology

Apeiron I

TITAN will deliver the immense energy needed to initiate and sustain fusion reactions. Compared to other common pulsed-power drivers, TITAN offers a longer lifetime, higher repetition rate, faster rise time, and efficient energy delivery. One TITAN shot equals over 800 lightning bolts firing simultaneously.

Viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.
More compact
0.01 Hz
Shot frequency
More efficient
efficiency in energy delivery
why section 01
why section 02
why section 03
why section 04

What is TITAN Made of

Oil Enclosure
17 Bricks Per Stage



peak power
1 TW
Peak Voltage
1.3 MV
Peak Current
600 kA
Rise time
100 ns
2 Ω

TITAN 6 stages Assembly

First Phase of TITAN Construction

We de-risked the most important Impedance-matched Marx generators (IMG) assumption, which is that we only have to trigger the first 3 stages. The next 3 self-triggered. That means, at scale, we will have 100,000s less switches to trigger, making the problem 100,000x simpler.

parallel triggering

Shot Successfully Triggered on 102 Switches of TITAN

The Impedance-matched Marx generators (IMG) biggest challenge was triggering over 100 switches with less than 2 nanoseconds jitter. Fuse's exceptional engineering and proprietary technology has demonstrated such precise triggering repeatedly.

1 TW  Impedance Matched Marx Generator


For 100 nanoseconds, TITAN consumes more power than Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, and Dubai combined. We harness this energy and fire it in a "shot" at an object to test how that object reacts under extreme conditions.
full stack
We aim to stack 14 stages in early 2025 to prove scalability.
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